According to Ethiopian demographic and health survey (EDHS) 2016 only 64.8% of Ethiopian populations have access to utilize water source and 6.7% of the population have access to improved sanitation facility. Also 48% of the population travel more than 30 minutes to get water source. This shows Ethiopia still off track to achieve SDG target for access to improved water supply and sanitation facility.
Therefore to contribute our country effort to increase access to water and sanitation facilities and promote effective utilization our organization works in the following activities
- Promotion of hygienic practices of community using different social mobilization and IEC/ BCC.
- Increase use of sanitation facility of community using CLTSH and other community based approach.
- Maintaining and building protected water schemes such as borehole, shall well, spring water development, hand dug well, wind pump by incorporating government and community. At the same time build cloth washing stand, cattle through, shower facility
- Promote use of household water treatment in the community.
- Capacitate local community to produce improved sanitation technologies
- Promote sanitation facilities marketing practice among community