Reproductive and Primary Health Program

Sample in health programs implementation photos
Sample in health programs implementation photos

Reproductive and Primary Health Program

According to Health and Health Related Indicators of the MoH (2001/2002), only 61% of the population has access to health services and less than 10% of the deliveries are supervised. With this reality the population of Ethiopia is characterized by one of the fast growing populations in the world. According to the Central Statistics Authority (CSA), if the current trend continues, the population of Ethiopia is expected to be double every 24 years and expected to reach 120 million by the year 2022.

There are considerable numbers of people who are not accessed for basic health service and also there is limited awareness on RH/FP and HIV/AIDS.

  • Establishing health posts to access the target groups of the community for the primary health service.
  • Raise the awareness of the community on RH/FP and unwanted pregnancy.
  • Promote maternal and child health interventions
  • Give alternative family planning service to hard to reach communities through outreach family planning service.
  • Capacitate health service provides to give quality Demand based family planning service
  • Raise the awareness of the community on HIV/AIDS to prevent expansion and to alleviate the stigma. Under this program equal weight will be given to change the behavior of PLHIV to mitigate the personality they develop from their pervious life and to introduce entrepreneurship skill to enable them to be self-supportive.
  • Strengthen referral linkage between community actors and health facility on HIV and RH issues
  • Conduct community based HIV testing
  • Support achievement of 90-90-90 HIV prevention and control strategy
  • Provide care and support for PLWHA & AIDS orphans.
  • To empower youth to play their role in the society.
  • Raise the awareness of the community on child right.
  • Access the target group for different skill training such as hair dressing, embroidering, tailoring, pastry, bakery, weaving, and etc.
  • Provide entrepreneurship training and access for startup capital to enroll in different micro business activities upon their interest.
  • Promote gender equality.
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